Dialogues - Heal Your Life Teacher Training
Money & Consciousness One Day Workshop

"This has been one of the most important certifications I have attended. Not only was it hugely beneficial and transformational to me on a personal leve, it gave me new skills to be able to help others on their healing journey "
Dan Smith - London

Ethical Guidelines for Heal Your Life® Workshop Leaders

As Heal Your Life® Workshop Leaders, we are aware of differences in culture, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, race, disability, language, ethnicity, national origin and socioeconomic status and respect those differences. We recognize each individual as whole and complete. We strive to uphold the following ethical guidelines to promote the wellbeing of all we come in contact with.

As a Heal Your Life® Workshop Leader/Teacher I will:

demonstrate professionalism in a manner that
    reflects positively on the Heal Your Life® work in
    general and that of my colleagues

respect the work of my colleagues and refrain from
    any negative comments about them

commit to provide the highest quality teaching to
    those who attend my workshops

market my workshops with realistic information
    regarding the benefits of attendance, including
    accurate identification of my qualifications and
    expertise, not make false claims or misleading
    statements about those

advertise using appropriate logos and language as
    provided at my training or afterward

commit to continuing my own personal work and
    growth, and to seek professional assistance if
    needed to assist me with any issues that may affect
    my ability to lead workshops effectively

demonstrate professional excellence by regular self-
    assessment of strengths, limitations, needs, values,
    and own beliefs.

conduct all workshop/teaching activities and business
    according to local laws and regulations

utilize the Heal Your Life® manuals as written in
    order to maintain the integrity of the work

stay within the boundaries of certification, which is to
    lead Heal Your Life® workshops, and does not
    include training others to lead Heal Your Life®

work to create professional alliances and cooperative
    relationships with other professionals

set clear, appropriate and culturally sensitive
    boundaries for any physical contact with attendees in
    my workshops

conduct workshops in a manner that respects each
    individual’s process and empowers them to participate
    in their healing journey to the level they choose

not become sexually involved with any of my
    workshop attendees

keep the experiences of workshop attendees
    confidential unless express written permission has
    been given to me by the attendee(s)

promptly refer any workshop attendee who appears
    in need of additional professional services or care to
    the appropriate resource

provide appropriate follow-up support after the two
    day workshop, either in person or by phone

maintain a professional referral list to use as needed
    for participants



To register for further information
call 01372 460 182 now

or email Dialogues



Louise Hay
Louise Hay

Contact Us
01372 460 182

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and receive further information complete the form below and we will contact you shortly.

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